
Assam: Thousands of tribal people held rally against anti-conversion and delisting of ST status

Guwahati: More than 55,000 tribal people from 30 districts of Assam participated in the massive rally organised by Janajati Dharm-Sanskriti Suraksa Manch, Assam Pradesh against anti-conversion and delisting of ST status at Khanapara Veterinary field in Guwahati on Sunday.

People wearing their traditional dresses and carrying folk musical instruments participated in the rally.

In the beginning of the program Tribal rituals were performed by Boro, karbi, Tiwa, Dimasha, Rabha and Mising tribe.

After the rituals Bogiram Boro, president of JDSSM, Assam Pradesh hoisted the flag.

More than ten tribal folk dance troops performed their original folk dances during the program.

The program was graced by nation level officials like- Surya Narayan Suri Ji- Akhil Bharatiya Sangathan Mantri- JSM; Satyendra Singh -Invited Speaker, JSM Central Observer; Prakash Singh Uikeji- Social Worker- and Executive Member JSM, MP; Ravindra Uike- Social Worker- and Executive Member JSM, MP.

Community speakers Babita Brahma(Boro), Pratap Terang(Karbi), Tarun Chandra Rabha (rabha) and Kameswar Pator (Tiwa )were also delivered speeches on conversion taking in the respective tribal communities.

The objectives of the massive Tribal rally are:

To Delist Converted ST’s who completely given up their original tribal culture, customs, rituals, way of life and traditions after conversion.

Stop unethical conversion
Demanding Amendment of Article 342 for ST and equalize with Article 341 for Scheduled Caste (if any SC person being converted to any other religion, automatically the person get DE-listed from SC reservation).

Separate memorandums will be sending to President and the Prime Minister of India via Governor of Assam at the earliest.

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