
Three Simple Self-Defence Strategies from Psyche Attacks as Per Hindu Mythology

In Hindu mythology, psyche attacks are a form of magical attack that is used to physically harm or mentally torture someone. The attacker usually uses their own personal power and knowledge of black magic to gain control over their victim’s mind and body. While there are many ways to defend yourself from these attacks, here are three simple strategies that can help you protect yourself from the dangers of psyche attacks.

1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

The first step in self-defence against psyche attacks is to be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you know who is around you and what they are doing. Pay attention to any sudden changes in the atmosphere or any suspicious behaviour that may signal an attack. Being aware of your environment can help you identify an attack early and take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

2. Visualize Protective Shields

Another strategy to protect yourself from psyche attacks is to visualize protective shields. This can be done by either visualizing a protective barrier around you or by mentally repeating mantras that invoke divine protection. Hindu mythology suggests that these shields can ward off any negative energies or spirits that may be attempting to harm you.

3. Utilize Yantras and Mantras

Yantras and mantras are powerful tools used in Hindu mythology to protect oneself from psyche attacks. Yantras are geometric shapes that are drawn or written on paper or other objects, while mantras are sacred words or phrases that invoke divine protection. Utilizing these tools can help you create an energy shield that will keep negative energies away from you.


Self-defence from psyche attacks is an important aspect of Hindu mythology. By being aware of your surroundings, visualizing protective shields, and utilizing yantras and mantras, you can protect yourself from any potential harm. If you ever feel like you are under attack, remember these three strategies and use them to your advantage.

If you want to know more, learn the psychic Self Defence you can connect with author Maulikk Buch on 7016311774

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