Gujarat Desk: FICCI FLO Vadodara, the women’s wing of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), organized a highly successful “Shark Tank 2.0” event on 30th June 2023. The event witnessed the participation of four influential women industrialists as “sharks,” and four inspiring NGOs pitching their causes to secure Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds. The event aimed to foster collaboration between industrialists and NGOs, resulting in substantial financial support for the community.
The event surpassed everyone’s expectations by raising an impressive amount of Rs 40 lakhs for Vadodara-based NGOs. This extraordinary achievement demonstrates the commitment and generosity of the participating industrialists, who recognize the importance of uplifting the society and making a positive impact through their CSR initiatives. Shark Tank 2.0 had Mrs. Geeta Goradia, Mrs. Shivani Patel, Mrs. Vaibhavi Gandhi and Ms. Neha Shah as the Sharks for this year’s event.
The Four participating NGO’s, Circle of Care which received Rs 12 lakhs as donation amount from the sharks, Jump Start Foundation received Rs 11 Lakhs, Mahavir Foundation received Rs 8,40,000/- whereas Simple Deed Foundation Received Rs 2,54,000/- . The Generous audience donated an amount of Rs 6 Lakhs in total to all the four foundations.
The idea of Shark Tank for the benefit of women empowerment and helping the women led NGO’s is the brain child of Mrs. Barkha Amin, Chairperson of FLO Vadodara. She said, I am happy to see the idea grow every year and we are proud that through this fund raising event many NGO’s and people in society who require help in different ways are benefitted.
The event was graced by Mrs. Sudha Shivkumar, esteemed National President of FICCI FLO, as the Chief Guest. Sudha Shivkumar is a renowned leader and advocate of women empowerment which led to her presence further elevating the significance of the occasion. Her inspiring words and unwavering support added to the motivation and enthusiasm of the participants.
The participating NGOs showcased their innovative projects, highlighting their commitment to transforming lives and creating sustainable change in Vadodara. The interaction between the industrialists and NGOs provided a platform for meaningful discussions and valuable insights into various social issues. Through this event, FICCI FLO Vadodara has fostered a spirit of collaboration, encouraging industrialists to contribute to the betterment of society and uplift the underprivileged.
FICCI FLO Vadodara remains committed to its mission of promoting women’s empowerment, fostering entrepreneurship, and driving positive change in the community. The success of Mock Shark Tank 2.0 stands as a testament to the power of collective efforts and the transformative potential of corporate social responsibility.
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